Fantasy NPC Name Generator

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In a world of wonder, filled with colorful fantasy characters, sometimes a bit of name inspiration is required. Names tell us much about the world they live in, and it is important to provide both a sense of casual existence, and a sense of atmosphere. Therefore, I’ve scoured the pages of history, the expanse of the internet, and some creative twist in the form of non-standard conventions in lettering and pronunciation, to deliver a random name generator designed for naming the serendipitous characters our worlds are filled with, and our adventures are built of.

From the point that this generator was published, it quickly became one of the most visited pages on the site! It makes be very happy to know that something I’ve created, even as a simple as a name generator, has gone to help a number of worldbuilders, writers, game masters, dungeon masters, and creatives. Therefore, I’ve committed to updating this generator with a number of new name options, pulling some from history, some from a few different cultures, and some good ole made up options as well!

(Version 2.0 Current) – 300+ male names, 300+ female names, 400+ surnames. Eight options.
(Version 1.0) – 200+ male names, 200+ female names, 300+ surnames. Five options. Deployed name generator.

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